Is DevOps and Customer Support the Right Move? 

by Lalithaa

The average startup takes two to three years to become profitable. Where that tipping point falls for your business depends on a range of factors. However, primary among these are your access to talent and your ability to scale. 

If you fail to attract the right skills when you need them most, you are bound to fail. Therefore, companies today are more likely to turn to outsourcing providers to improve scalability instantly. So, this article will look at how this trend might affect two critical functions. Is DevOps and customer support outsourcing the best move for you? Read on to learn more. 

Why These Functions in Particular? 

The key to DevOps and customer support success is how well your team communicates. Therefore, a customer service outsourcing provider with relevant DevOps experience might prove a valuable ally in communicating with internal teams and clients. 

What are the Benefits of Outsourcing these Functions? 

Lower Costs 

It’s hard to deny the cost benefits of DevOps and customer support outsourcing. You no longer have to pay for: 

  • Recruitment
  • Training
  • Perks
  • Office costs
  • Equipment 

Working with a business service provider allows you to amalgamate these fees into a more affordable, fixed format. This insulates you against substantial price increases, at least for your contract’s duration. 


Not having a permanent team to find work for is also a benefit. You can increase capacity during peak periods as necessary. Not only that, but you have access to a global talent pool. This allows you to access talent quickly without the constraints of staying within a limited geographical area. 

Global Representation

Remote working is the new norm, and many teams have members from across the globe. If you’re serving a worldwide stage, having a multilingual team at your disposal is a distinct asset. It improves communication and fosters goodwill with both employees and clients. 

A Focused Team

In a small business, you must take full advantage of every asset. Unfortunately, that means the person answering client or employee queries must perform another role. This may result in distraction that leads to mediocre performance. 

With DevOps or customer support outsourcing, you free up your employees to perform their core functions. Not improves productivity and employee satisfaction. 

Instant Access to Infrastructure and Software

Business support providers usually keep up to date with the latest technology. They will have all the requisite software to perform their function admirably. Therefore, partnering with them saves you the significant expense of equipping your own team. 

What are the Disadvantages of Outsourcing These Functions? 

Outsourcing is never a decision to take lightly. Entrusting a crucial part of operations to a third party is a leap of faith. It could either be the best or worst thing you ever do for your company. 

However, intelligent research ahead of time and understanding the potential risks will tip the scales in your favor. 

You No Longer Have Complete Control

While you can set service level agreements and monitor interactions, the final decisions lie with your outsourcing company. They decide who to hire, when to upgrade their technology, and how to train their consultants. 

There is a Security Risk

Sharing your client or company information is always risky.  However, today’s outsourcing companies often follow higher security protocols and implement better security than startups. 


There is room for DevOps and customer support outsourcing if you approach the situation carefully. It is critical to vet any team you might potentially work with to ensure they’re an excellent fit for your company culture. 

Now that you better understand the potential benefits and drawbacks read this article to see how you can effectively implement an outsourced DevOps team solution. 

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